Beberapa definisi seorang sekretaris :
1. M. Braum dan Ramon dari Potugal, mendefinisikan Sekretaris :
“Secretary is an assistant to a chief who takes dictation, prepares correspondence, receivers
visitors, checks of his official engagements or appointments, and performs many order related
duties that increase the effectiveness of the chief “
2. H.W. Fowler dan F.G. Flower
secretary : a. person employed by another to assist in correspondence, literary, getting information and
other confindential matters.
b. official appointed by society or company or corporation and
deal in the first intance with business.
c. Minister in Charge of Government Office Secretary of State United of America and Vatican.
Secretary : An officie employee who has a more resonpsible position than stenographer and who duties
usually include taking and transcribing dictation, dealing with the public by answering the
telephone, meeting callers and making appointments, and maintaining or filing records,
letter etc. A Secretary acts as an administrative assistant or junior executive.
Secara professional, ada sejumlah syarat seorang sekretaris yang baik yaitu :
Personality : Di antaranya sabar, tekun, disiplin, tidak cepat menyerah, berpenampilan baik, jujur, loyal, pandai berbicara, sopan dan bisa menjaga image perusahannya.
General Knowledge : Memiliki kemampuan memadai terhadap segala sesuatu perubahan dan perkembangan yang terjadi, terutama yang berkaitan dengan aktivitas organisasi.
Special knowledge : Memiliki pengetahuan yang berkaitan khusus dengan posisinya sebagai seorang sekretaris.
Skill and technic : di antaranya meliputi kemampuan mengetik, koresponednsi, stenografi (sekarang bukan syarat mutlak) dan kearsipan.
Practice : Kemampuan melaksanakan tugas seharu-hari seperti menerima telepon, menerima tamu, menyiapkan rapat, membuat agenda pimpinan dll.